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Ehud - God's Left-Handed Warrior


The Book of Judges in the Old Testament of the Bible is a treasure trove of stories that exemplify the triumph of courage, wit, and divine intervention against overwhelming odds. One such riveting tale is the account of Ehud and Eglon, found in Judges 3:12-30. This narrative showcases the remarkable exploits of Ehud, a left-handed man, who ingeniously used his unique trait to orchestrate a daring assassination and deliver his people from oppression. Let's delve into this enthralling tale and explore how being left-handed gave Ehud a clear advantage in an era where left-handed warriors were shunned.

The Oppression of the Israelites

The story takes place during a tumultuous time when the Israelites were ruled by foreign powers due to their disobedience towards God. Eglon, the King of Moab, was a particularly oppressive ruler who held the Israelites in subjugation for eighteen long years. The Israelites cried out to God for deliverance, and in response, Ehud was chosen by God to play a pivotal role in their liberation.

The Advantage of Left-Handedness

In a society dominated by right-handed individuals, being left-handed was often seen as an anomaly. However, Ehud's left-handedness was a distinct advantage in this particular mission. In those times, left-handed warriors were not permitted to bear arms and fight alongside their right-handed counterparts. This prejudice inadvertently worked in Ehud's favor, making him an ideal candidate for a covert operation that required cunning and stealth.

The Assassination Plot

Ehud's unique advantage paved the way for a clever assassination plan. He was entrusted with delivering tribute to Eglon, ostensibly as a gesture of submission. However, Ehud ingeniously concealed a double-edged dagger on his right thigh, the side customarily left unchecked due to the prevailing right-handed bias. This strategic choice meant that when Ehud was searched, the guards failed to uncover his concealed weapon.

Divine Intervention and the Execution

As Ehud entered Eglon's presence, he seized the opportunity that his left-handedness afforded him. With a swift and unexpected movement, he drew the concealed dagger and plunged it into Eglon's belly. The act was so discreet and sudden that the guards did not suspect any foul play until it was too late. Ehud's dexterity, combined with the element of surprise, ensured the successful execution of his mission.

Liberation and its Symbolism

Eglon's death marked the beginning of a new era for the Israelites. Ehud's act of courage and resourcefulness ignited a revolt against the Moabite oppressors.

The left-handed deliverer became a symbol of God's unwavering commitment to free His people and His ability to use the seemingly insignificant to accomplish great feats.


The story of Ehud and Eglon from Judges 3:12-30 stands as a testament to the power of strategic thinking, resourcefulness, and divine intervention. Ehud's left-handedness, which would have been a hindrance in a conventional battle, became his greatest asset in executing a daring assassination that led to the liberation of his people. This tale reminds us that God often uses unconventional means to achieve His purposes and that even traits that society may perceive as weaknesses can be transformed into strengths.

Ehud's story also highlights the importance of embracing diversity and challenging societal norms. In a world that often marginalizes those who are different, Ehud's left-handedness serves as a reminder that uniqueness can be a source of strength and innovation. Just as Ehud overcame adversity through his distinct advantage, we too can harness our individual strengths to overcome challenges and make a lasting impact.

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